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Ali Fazaa Al-Enezi

Lawyer. Ali Fazaa Al-Enezi

The experience of the lawyer Al-Enezi in establishing a private law counseling office demonstrates his relation to the world of initiators through two main points: First, we shall state the face that he has achieved by establishing his own office which is specialized in civil and commercial law cases in a relatively short time, overcoming a difficult reality-the size of the market and high competition thus, his experience became a role model for initiative work. The second and most relevant point to the world of initiators manifests in his ability to keep up with the owners of small and medium businesses and to provide counseling, and all other related legal services, concerning the establishment of such projects when they are at their stage of beginning free of charge, in an attempt to support these people in their careers. The importance of this experience lies in the meaning of his endeavor that the spirit of the initiator is not limited to any field or business, but is an approach and an ideology that aims to achieve a certain goal.

Lawyer Consultancy Service
Kuwait University

Business Situation


Lawyer Ofiice

Professional Qualification
Lawyer , Kuwait University